Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Small world

In the past two weeks, I have been contacted by friends from highschool who I haven't seen or heard from in 12 years. And whenever I tell the stories to someone, it seems they also have a story about something similar happening to them. Both of these were made possible by email and Facebook.

First, there's a friend from highschool that Max and I lost track of right after graduation. None of our friends knew what happened to her either. Back in August, I saw her brother on Facebook and sent him an email. A couple of weeks ago, she sent me an email and we've been writing back and forth catching up since then.

Second, last week I got a Facebook invite and then an email from a friend from another highschool (I went to three over four years). He had moved away from the town in Michigan that we had gone to school together and moved to Beijing where I went to highschool after I left Michigan. One of the friends he made in Beijing was over at his place looking through scrapbooks from his highschool in Michigan and pointed at someone and said, "I know her." Sure enough, although however unlikely, it was me. She went to highschool with me and Max in Beijing.

What's your story?

1 comment:

Meredith said...

When I was in third grade, my family spent spring break camping in Canyonlands. For a couple of nights, there was a family with two boys in the campsite next to ours. I played with the younger one, who was my age, and we even exchanged addresses before the end of the week. His family lived in Arizona; mine lived in New Mexico. We never wrote to each other, though.

So fast forward to my sophomore/junior year of high school (I don't remember now which). My family was moving from one house to a larger one about a mile away, and my parents had hired a couple of guy friends, including my best friend, to help. The three of us were packing up the living room, when friend 1 made a comment on a photo of my parents' dogs. This triggers something in best friend's memory; he says, 'wait, have you ever heard of Canyonlands?' It turns out that he was the boy I'd played with from the neighboring campsite. His family had moved to where mine lived, and we'd been friends for years without realizing that we'd met in third grade.