Wow, this is my two year anniversary of blogging. How time flies.
Review of 2007Max and I went on several trips together, to Pennsylvania in January, California in May, and Canada for Christmas. And a few apart - I went to Georgia to visit my best friend and to New York for a conference - he went to China for two weeks to visit his parents. These were all short trips because we've been saving up our vacation time.
This year I completed 29 hats, 5 scarves, 4 headbands, 9 baby bibs, 2 pairs of socks, 1 washcloth, 1 yoga mat bag, 1 shawl, 1 wizard robe, 1 iPod cozy, 1 neck warmer and 5 pairs of mittens. Of those, only 8 items were for me (three hats, a pair of mittens (that took several attempts), a scarf (completed over Christmas), a pair of socks, a headband, and the bag). Here's the latest finished object:

A scarf for me in beautiful angora/wool Enzo Lucci Reves yarn that I bought in Toronto at Romni Wools in the bargain basement for $9.90/ball. Took about 2.5 balls to complete, 30 stitches in k1p1 rib and a "la fleur" on the end from Nicky Epstein's
Knitting Over the Edge. It's very warm and soft.
Travel for 2008So far, there is only one big trip planned for this year... and I'll be using up all my vacation time at once! The tickets have already been purchased, we have a place to stay, and many events planned. I'll leave it a surprise as to where we're going. There's a smaller trip planned for the spring, to see my BIL graduate from university (and hopefully have dinner at a restaurant I've been wanting to go to for years). And maybe a friend or two getting married but no dates have been set yet.
Resolutions for 2008This year, I'm skipping it... mostly. There are things I need to work on, like my driving and big projects that I'd like to start but they're all sort of vague. Important but vague. How about you? What are your new year resolutions?