Monday, November 12, 2007

Baby wrangling

I spent Sunday afternoon with a friend and her 6-month old. It was fun for me and my friend was able to get a lot done - laundry, lunch and dinner for the rest of the week, and even eat without being interrupted. Ahh... the things we take for granted. :) In exchange, I took home a shoulder full of baby drool and big smile. I woke up this morning with really sore arms. What a work out! I was so tired when I left, and that was only five hours... Not that it is all hard work. Helps when you have a good baby that doesn't cry too much and likes to play! Every time I go visit, the baby is even bigger and more active than the last time I was there. And while 23lbs doesn't sound like along, think endurance training. :)


Anonymous said...

That 23 pounds isn't too bad as a mom, because it sneaks up on you. One day they are a happy little 7 pounds, and then a few months later you gain a couple more, and by the time they are 2 you settle in to a hefty 24 (or more) pounds. But by then your biceps look like Arnold's and you haven't noticed them getting bigger, so it's a pleasant (or not!) surprise :)

As a visitor though, I can see how that would be quite the workout.
So glad you enjoyed the little people this weekend!

Tina - Ladydove said...

OMgoodness a 6 month old that's 23 lbs? Eek. I'd never make it. Marissa is almost 5 months old and only about 14lbs and even that gets heavy now days. My 3 year old was around 25lbs for a year or so. I never do gain the strength to pack them around much past 6 months. Thankfully the hubby is strong, and thankfully my kids favor his family and are skin and bones.