My second thought was... why?
I did a quick search and found out that one of the main purposes of Bill C-37 is to restore Canadian citizenship to the tens of thousands of Canadians who have had their citizenship denied or unknowingly allowed it to expire because of several little-known particularities of Canada’s Citizenship Act. Moving forward, however, citizenship laws will become more restrictive for children of Canadians born abroad. For me nothing changes. Any children I might have would also be Canadian. But... not their children unless I have my child in Canada or they have their child in Canada. Whatever. There seems to be alot of outrage over grandchildren not living in Canada who want to get Canadian citizenship but, to me, if they really want to be Canadian then they should go live in Canada. Growing up somewhere else, would they really know what it's like to be Canadian anyway?
You can learn more from the Canadian Government.