Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

I can't vote in the US. I could vote for the Canadian elections but I never know anything about anyone who is running, so I never do. Instead, I make Max vote in US elections. He never knows anything about anyone who is running, but here's why I making him vote this time:

BALLOT QUESTION NUMBER 1: Shall Article I (the Bill of Rights) of the Constitution of Virginia be amended to state: “That only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage valid in or recognized by this Commonwealth and its political subdivisions.

BALLOT QUESTION NUMBER 2: Shall Section 14 of Article IV of the Constitution of Virginia be amended by deleting the provision that prohibits the incorporation of churches, a provision that was ruled to be unconstitutional and therefore now is

BALLOT QUESTION NUMBER 3: Shall Section 6 of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia be amended to authorize legislation to permit localities to provide a partial exemption from real property taxes for real estate
Ugh. The first one really... seriously?

Also, I found out about Opensecrets.org from my friend Ben (according to him it's "a site dedicated to providing the most accurate information pertaining to monetary donations to elected officials of Congress...in other words, it tracks where our politicians are getting their money, and then breaks it all down into a dizzying number of categories, special interest groups, individuals, and industries") .

In any case, get out there today all you Americans! Vote for something, if not for someone.

Edited to add: I love Max. He just went to vote. We may not agree completely on how he voted but I love what he did afterwards. As he was leaving, he paid $10 for a cupcake from the school bake sale so the 6th grade class could go to Colonial Williamsburg. Sometimes he does something so nice that it makes me cry.

1 comment:

limedragon :-: Harriet said...

I never cease to be amazed at what shows up on the ballots, and what is decided without ever bringing it to the voters.

That was a cool thing Max did! : )