The back is finished. I used my blocking wires to take the picture but since the yarn is acrylic, the shape didn't hold. I'm working on the two front pieces, simultaneously. Since Max got back from China, we've been catching up on our TV and watching all the shows saved on our DVR (The Next Food Network Star, So You Think You Can Dance, Eureka, Psych, and more). As you can see, that means alot of knitting time.
Driving update
I drove to work this morning! In morning traffic! There were parts that were a little scary and others that were terrifying but I made it just fine... a little sweaty, but fine. It really is like they say, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Which also means, don't wait for years to do it because your fears will only compound. The only way to get over the fear of driving is to do it.