Thursday, February 07, 2008

You Make My Day

Happy Chinese New Year! It seems like it would be good luck to send out some good vibes (and eight is a lucky number), so here goes.

I have seen these awards going around for the past couple of weeks and I thought I'd send out some myself. These people's blogs are a must read for me as soon as they pop up in my bloglines as new (in no particular order):

1. Yarn Harlot, hilarious writing and great knitting, and a great heaping dose of Canadiana
2. limedragon, my secret pal from my first exchange who spoiled me
3. The Heathen Housewife, love the blanket!
4. Wovenflame, another dose of Canadiana and a range of fibery crafts
5. Brooklyn Tweed, fantastic photos and fabulous knits that I covet
6. Knitting Iris, great pictures and thriftiness that I can relate to
7. The Rimes Times, photos and updates on friends
8. Jejune bits, witty and well written observations


Anonymous said...

Happy Chinese New Year to you too!
My 7th graders just finished dragon kites in honor of the day.

And thanks for totally making my day :)

limedragon :-: Harriet said...

Thank you Nicole, and a Happy Chinese New Year! : )