Monday, December 18, 2006

Finished at last

The cambridge sweater was finished on Saturday morning. I woke up early, 7:47am, and althought my first inclination was to go back to sleep but I knew the cambridge sweater needed to be finished and mailed that day. So I went downstairs, Max still asleep in bed, finished the single crochet edging on the bottom of the sweater and the sleeve cuffs. Then the arduous task of weaving in all the ends. I had just finished when I heard Max get up. I think that was at 9:30am, but probably closer to 10am. After a quick breakfast, we drove to the post office and then I stood in line until 12noon while Max stood outside and talked to his brother on the phone. It cost over $50 to ship the large box of presents to my family in Canada via Global Priority Express. I swear that is the most I have ever paid at the US post office. Still, a heavy burden was lifted from my shoulders.

Oh, did I not mention the zipper? Luckily, I did not have to sew it in. My mom offered to do it for me and so I jumped on that. Sigh of relief. Otherwise I think I would not have finished until January. There are no pictures but hopefully someone will take some for me.

I'm still working on one last Christmas knitting item but I'm hoping to finish it tonight or tomorrow. I'll take pictures before I ship it but then I'll have to wait to post them.

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