Monday, November 21, 2011

Max's birthday and Marianna's Macarons

Since my birthday was so great this year with two fabulous dinners, a new dress, and a Broadway show in New York, I wanted to do something special for Max.

On Friday we had dinner at Legal Seafoods and then went to see Cirque du Soleil's QUIDAM. On Saturday, he had a 90 minute massage at Vital and then a get together with friends at Aguaviva. As an added surprise, I ordered a Macaron Tower from Marianna's Macarons. He loved it! There were five flavors: mojito, mint chocolate, lemon, caramel apple, and lavender. Plus a "birthday cake" flavor on top. With 15 people and 120 macarons, there were plenty to go around! We even gave some of the mojito macarons to the bartenders to try.

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